Our Community Research

Centric is a centralised research hub specialising in working with ethnic and underserved communities within the urban locale. By deploying community researchers from the same communities that we are researching, we are able to translate their lived experience and ties to their communities into rich and nuanced research that would not be possible with traditional research methods.

This cultural dexterity requires a combination of skills and knowledge which build on the community researcher’s inherent natural characteristics and prior experience in conducting research. We provide credible research working with community members with the backing of certified academics.

As a result, community members are upskilled by accredited scholars and given a platform making the most of their lived experiences. Our rooted understanding of the local realities of the community acts as a trusted information resource that institutions can tap into for accurate insight.

What we offer

  • Bespoke research programmes with, and within, ethnic, underserved and underrepresented communities.
  • Reports and presentations with analysis and recommendations.
  • Insights and relevant analysis to inform social policy and programme development.
  • Collaborative research and partnerships, involving all parties, throughout the whole process.

Who we work with

  • Government organisations;
  • Local authorities;
  • Local and National Policymakers;
  • Voluntary Sector;
  • Community Organisations;
  • Social Action Groups;
  • Universities and Academics;
  • Educational Institutions;
  • Private Organisations; and
  • Media Organisations.

Our long history and presence within the urban locale empower us with a credible and relevant buy-in to our community. We’re ideally placed to identify growth areas that institutions can access. Finally, our insights support research and development institutions in translating knowledge into practical implementation.

For more information, or partnerships, get in touch by completing the form below.


Our work & projects

For more information or partnerships

From local people to businesses and organisations, your voice is vital. Join us to help make the changes you need that benefit your community.

Get in touch


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