Training for community members

We have developed a robust training and development programme for community members and organisations interested in the community research approach.

This is inherent to our methodology and approach to research, while enforcing authentic community engagement as a core principle in the development of the community. This underpins this approach. We train our researchers in a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods as a foundation.

Following this, we implement the ideals of ‘Re-Thinking’ research and what this means to them and their community. Researchers will also become well versed in inclusive and engaging research practice, developed internally, to ensure they have the opportunity to lead their own engagement sessions and projects. We aim to develop not just members of the team, but leaders who can coordinate and manage their own teams.

What we offer

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Training.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis Training.
  • Report Writing and Dissemination Training. 
  • Research Ethics Training.
  • Personal and Professional Development.
  • Financial Literacy Training.

Who we work with

  • Community Members;
  • Community Organisations;
  • Service Providers;
  • Government Organisations;
  • Local Authorities;
  • Policymakers;
  • Universities;
  • Educational Institutions; and
  • Private Organisations.

This is your opportunity to train, upskill and play a key role in research carried out in your community. Join us and influence the changes you know are necessary.


Our work & projects

For more information or partnerships

This is your opportunity to train, upskill and play a key role in research carried out in your community. Join us and influence the changes you know are necessary.

Get in touch


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