So, we are currently in 2022, the year of execution, the era of technological advancements that may have possibly advanced predictions in the 90s and before. We are in the era where kids are more prone to watching other kids play with toys, and let them decide if they want it rather than explore their own likes. We are in an era where kids would rather look at a screen to tell them how life is outside rather than go outside themselves.
Now, with technological advancements come adaptations to life for the young and those born in 1995 onwards, let’s say. However, where does this leave the generations before us?
A good example of a technological advancement that affected us both, from young to old, was the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. That had us in a state where we had to take vaccines and download an app of identification to perform tasks such as attending concerts and leaving the country. This was needed for young and old, levelling the playing field. For the youth, this was as easy as a few clicks but, where did it leave the older generation?
What we don’t realise as the younger generation is that these are software and applications we grew up around and saw the development of, so it’s nearly second nature to us. However, where does that leave the older generation that were born before the idea was even thought of? Telling a 10 year old to download an app doesn’t equate to telling an 80 year old to download an app. To the young, it’s second nature, to the older, it’s a whole new language and lifestyle.
The older generation in this sense are put at a disadvantage where their ‘old is gold’ mentality is near enough being thrown out the window. They’re being told to adjust to life how it is now or, get left behind, which frankly isn’t fair, but the way the world is moving forward.
Delving deeper into the subject, we spoke above about the average older aged person but, where do we account for the older aged person from a low income area. The whole advancement of technology is amazing but within that comes the advancement of prices, linking this to current affairs. Especially during the current cost of living crisis we are experiencing in the U.K., where does this leave the older person that cannot afford this technology?
Stranded in a spot where they can’t escape, which can lead to more of a decline due to not being able to afford the resources needed because they had to prioritise rent over new software to keep up...